Top 15 Picks: Best Chicken Breeds for Meat

In the world of poultry farming, it’s essential to recognize that not all chicken breeds are created equal when it comes to meat production. Whether you’re a small-scale homesteader or a large-scale poultry farmer, the choice of chicken breed can significantly impact the quality and quantity of meat you can yield.

The production of meat poultry has certainly changed over the years from chickens, ducks, and geese. If you want more info on any particular poultry bird, you can visit the American Poultry Association to learn more about them.

This blog post will delve into some of the finest chicken breeds renowned for their meat-producing capabilities, each possessing distinct traits that result in delectable and abundant meat.

1. Cornish Cross (Cornish Rock)

Cornish cross chicken pecking the ground.

The Cornish Cross, often known as the Cornish Rock, stands as one of the most renowned meat chicken breeds. These birds are highly favored in commercial meat production due to their speedy growth rate and impressive feed conversion. In as little as 6-8 weeks, Cornish Cross chickens are ready for processing, offering tender, white meat of exceptional flavor. However, it’s essential to note that these chickens may not thrive in free-range settings.

2. White Plymouth Rock

White plymouth rock chicken up close.

The White Plymouth Rock, a dual-purpose breed, excels in both meat and egg production. It gains recognition for its swift growth and substantial, plump bodies, making it a stellar choice for those seeking meaty, delicious poultry. Their friendly and gentle temperament also makes them suitable for backyard flocks.

3. Freedom Ranger

Freedom ranger chickens walking in dirt.

Freedom Rangers, a hybrid meat chicken breed, are celebrated for their natural foraging ability. While they take slightly longer to reach processing weight (about 9-11 weeks) in comparison to Cornish Cross chickens, their meat boasts a rich, traditional flavor that many find appealing. These birds are hardy and adapt well to free-range or pastured environments.

4. Jersey Giant

Jersey giant chicken standing in grass.

Jersey Giants, as the name implies, are among the heaviest chicken breeds, known for producing sizable, meaty birds. Although they take more time to mature than some other meat breeds, their meat possesses a rich, distinctive flavor that appeals to many. Jersey Giants are also versatile as dual-purpose birds with excellent egg-laying capabilities.

5. Red Ranger

Red ranger chickens standing in dirt.

Red Rangers offer an alternative for those who prefer slower-growing meat chickens. They are recognized for their resilience and ability to thrive in free-range conditions. These chickens typically reach processing weight in approximately 10-12 weeks, and their meat is considered juicy and flavorful.

6. Brahma

Brahma chicken up close.

Brahmas stand out with their distinctive appearance and striking size. While they don’t grow as rapidly as some other breeds, they produce ample, tasty meat that is favored by enthusiasts. Their docile nature and stunning appearance make them a top choice for backyard poultry keepers.

7. Orpington

Blue orpington chicken in grass.

Buff Orpingtons, in particular, are celebrated for their meat quality and versatility. They grow at a moderate pace and are known for producing tender, succulent meat. Their friendly disposition and beautiful, golden plumage make them a favorite among chicken enthusiasts.

8. Sussex

Sussex chicken pecking the ground.

The Sussex chicken breed is a dual-purpose breed that excels in both meat and egg production. They are known for their robust, plump bodies and are highly regarded for their tender and flavorful meat. Sussex chickens come in a variety of colors, including white, red, and speckled, making them an attractive addition to any backyard flock.

9. New Hampshire Red

New hampshire red chicken pecking the ground.

New Hampshire Reds are a heritage breed known for their meat production capabilities. They are similar in appearance to Rhode Island Reds but have been selectively bred for larger size and faster growth. These chickens produce meat with a delightful, traditional flavor, making them a favored choice for those seeking tasty, homegrown poultry.

10. Australorp

Australorp chicken up close.

Australorps are famous for their egg-laying abilities, but they also make excellent meat birds. These chickens are known for their rapid growth and produce meat with a succulent, fine texture. Their calm and friendly demeanor makes them an ideal choice for those looking to raise chickens for both meat and eggs.

11. Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Red chicken standing in dirt.

Rhode Island Reds are another well-known breed that excels in both meat and egg production. These chickens have a distinct mahogany color and are known for their friendly disposition. They may take slightly longer to reach processing weight, but the meat they produce is flavorful and satisfying.

Rhode Island Reds are also by default some of the best egg-laying chickens. While this article focuses on the best chicken breeds for meat production, we also have a separate article dedicated to the best egg-laying chicken breeds for those interested in poultry farming from an egg production perspective.

12. Marans

Maran chicken in green pasture.

Marans are a French breed known for their dark, chocolate-brown eggs. While they are famous for their egg-laying abilities, they also produce meat of excellent quality. Their meat has a rich, succulent flavor, making them a valuable addition to your poultry flock.

13. Wyandotte

Wyandotte chicken standing in dirt.

Wyandottes are a versatile breed known for their striking appearance and dual-purpose capabilities. They come in various color variations, such as Silver Laced and Golden Laced, and are appreciated for their plump bodies and tender meat.

14. Plymouth Rock Barred

Plymouth Rock Barred chicken nesting in grass.

Plymouth Rock Barred chickens are known for their attractive black and white striped plumage. They are another dual-purpose breed, excelling in both meat and egg production. Their meat is flavorful and satisfying, making them a top choice for backyard poultry keepers.

15. Silkie

Silkie chicken nesting in grass.

Silkies are a unique and ornamental breed with a fluffy appearance. While they are primarily kept for their distinctive looks and broody nature, their meat is also enjoyed in some cuisines. The meat is tender and has a slightly sweet flavor.


With these additional chicken breeds, you have even more options to consider when selecting the best meat chickens for your specific needs and preferences. Each breed brings its unique characteristics to the table, from rapid growth to rich flavor, and choosing the one that aligns with your goals is key to successful meat production.

Choosing the ideal chicken breed for meat production hinges on your specific goals and preferences. Whether you prioritize rapid growth, rich flavor, adaptability to free-range conditions, or a combination of these attributes, there’s a meat chicken breed tailored to your needs. Remember that the local climate, available space, and your particular goals should all factor into your decision.

Raising meat chickens is just one piece of the homesteading puzzle. If you’re interested in taking the next step and embarking on your homesteading journey, be sure to check out our comprehensive guide on how to get started homesteading. It covers everything from livestock to vegetable gardening and self-sufficiency

Whichever breed you select, offering your chickens proper care, nutrition, and a suitable living environment is crucial for ensuring top-quality meat. Whether you’re raising chickens for personal consumption or for commercial purposes, making the right breed choice is the initial step toward a rewarding and successful meat production venture.

In conclusion, the world of poultry farming offers a wide array of chicken breeds, each with its own unique qualities, making it possible for you to find the perfect fit for your meat production goals. Your journey begins with selecting the breed that aligns with your priorities, whether it’s rapid growth, rich flavor, or adaptability to specific conditions. Your careful consideration will pave the way for a successful and rewarding meat production venture, and the delicious meat on your table will be a testament to your choice.

🐔 Have a favorite meat chicken breed or a question about poultry farming? We’d love to hear from you! Share your thoughts, experiences, or inquiries in the comments below. Let’s start a conversation about raising chickens for meat and poultry farming tips. 📣

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